Human Rights Management Counseling Center/Relief Procedure

  • Human Rights Management
  • Human Rights Management Counseling Center/Relief Procedure
Guide to the Human Rights Management Consulting Center
Operation Department
  • Safety Audit Office
  • Executives and employees of the corporation, stakeholders related to the corporation's business activities, business partners, and residents
Consultation & Reporting
  • Application
    • Human rights violations under the Gumi Infrastructure Corporation's Human Rights Management Bylaws
  • How to apply
    • Apply for consultation and report in person, by phone, fax, or mail in the event of an incident
    • Visit: Gumi Infrastructure Corporation's Human Rights Counseling Center (Safety Audit Office)
    • Tel: +82-54-480-2360
    • Fax: +82-54-480-2009
    • Address: 63, Sanchaek-gil, Gumi-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do, 39305 (Wonpyeong-dong)
  • Guarantee of Reporter Identity
    • We will ensure the confidentiality of the report and consultation with the reporter, and take all necessary measures to prevent the reporter from being disadvantaged by the report.
    Human Rights Violation Relief Procedure
    Occurrence of infringement or discrimination
    Receipt & Confirmation
    The Head of Human Rights Management Department will check for human rights infringement.
    Report to the Chairperson and the Human Rights Management Committee.
    Convocation of Relief Committee
    The Relief Committee is convened after approval by the Human Rights Management Committee.
    Investigation & Reconciliation
    Listening to statements or reviewing statements, field investigations, etc.
    Corrective Action
    Taking action, providing training to prevent recurrence, etc. according to corrective order

    If a victim intends to follow a procedure other than the relief procedure of the Corporation, we will assist with it.