Human Rights Management Bylaws

  • Human Rights Management
  • Human Rights Management Bylaws
Chapter 1: General Provisions
Article 1 (Purpose)
  • These bylaws aim to establish and implement policies related to the protection and promotion of human rights of stakeholders, including executives and employees of Gumi Infrastructure Corporation, and to set other necessary matters.
Article 2 (Definition)
  • The meanings of terms used in the bylaws are as follows:
    • ① “Human rights” refers to the dignity and value of human beings guaranteed by the Constitution and laws, or recognized by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Declaration of Basic Workers’ Rights, and international human rights standards and norms.
    • ② “Employees” refers to executives and employees (including regular and contract employees) working in the Corporation.
    • ③ “Stakeholders” refers to business partners, customers, local communities, etc. who are related to the management activities of the Corporation.
Chapter 2 General Principles of Human Rights Management
Article 3 (Non-Discrimination in Employment)
  • When hiring workers, the Corporation shall not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, disability, gender, place of birth, political opinion, etc.
Article 4 (Guarantee of Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining)
  • ① The Corporation permits workers to freely form a labor union, and shall not impose disadvantages on the basis of union membership or activities.
  • ② The Corporation shall guarantee the right of workers to collectively bargain through their representatives in order to reach an agreement on labor conditions.
    The Corporation should not reject collective bargaining without justifiable reasons, and should respect and faithfully implement the results of collective bargaining.
Article 5 (Prohibition of Forced Labor and Child Labor)
  • ① The Corporation shall not use any form of forced labor when hiring workers, and shall not obtain any commercial benefits from forced labor, even if it does not directly use forced labor.
  • ② When the Corporation legally requires young people to work, special considerations must be given to guarantee their safety and to provide educational opportunities to them. However, under no circumstances will children under the age of 15 be hired to work.
Article 6 (Guarantee of Occupational Safety)
  • ① The Corporation shall provide workers with a safe and sanitary work environment, and if workers have to work in a hazardous work environment, they shall be provided with separate safety equipment and safety education.
  • ② The Corporation shall promptly provide measures such as appropriate compensation for accidents or diseases that occur in the workplace.
Article 7 (Responsible Supply Chain Management)
  • ① The Corporation shall take appropriate measures to ensure that all business partners practice human rights management.
  • ② The Corporation shall suspend transactions with business partners that do not correct serious human rights violations.
Article 8 (Protection of Human Rights of Local Residents)
  • The Corporation must be careful not to infringe the human rights of local residents in the areas in which it conducts its business activities.
Article 9 (Guarantee of Environmental Rights)
  • The Corporation shall comply with national environmental laws and regulations, and endeavor to protect the environment and prevent pollution.
Article 10 (Protection of Human Rights of Stakeholders, etc.)
  • ① The Corporation shall create an environment that does not endanger the safety of stakeholders, etc. in conducting its business, such as facility management and operations.
  • ② The Corporation shall respect the privacy of stakeholders, etc. as much as possible, and shall endeavor to secure the personal information it collects and stores.
Chapter 3 Human Rights Management System
Article 11 (Human Rights Management Charter)
  • The Corporation declares a human rights management charter that guarantees human dignity and value in all business activities, and its executives and employees shall use and practice the charter as a code of conduct and value judgment for human rights management.
Article 12 (Department in Charge of Human Rights Management)
  • ① The President operates a department in charge of human rights management to systematically implement policy development, execution, and education for the promotion of human rights.
  • ② The duties of the department in charge of human rights management are as follows:
    • 1. Matters concerning the establishment and implementation of the basic plan for human rights management
    • 2. Matters concerning the implementation of human rights education
    • 3. Matters concerning the implementation of human rights impact assessment
    • 4. Other matters deemed necessary by the President or the chairperson of the Human Rights Management Committee
Article 13 (Human Rights Education)
  • ① The Corporation shall conduct human rights education for its employees at least once a year.
  • ② The Corporation may provide human rights education for stakeholders if necessary to spread a culture of respect for human rights.
  • ③ Human rights education shall be conducted at an appropriate time and method using cyber education and group education.
Chapter 4 Human Rights Management Committee
Article 15 (Establishment and Function)
  • ① The Corporation shall establish the Human Rights Management Committee (hereinafter referred to as the “Committee”) for the efficient promotion of human rights management.
  • ② To protect and promote the human rights of stakeholders, including executives and employees, the committee will provide the following:
    • 1. Recommendations on necessary matters for the improvement of systems and policies related to human rights management
    • 2. Implementation of human rights impact assessments and recommendations for action to achieve results
    • 3. Investigation of human rights violations and review of remedies
    • 4. Other matters determined necessary for the protection and promotion of human rights.
Article 16 (Organization)
  • ① The committee shall be composed of no more than 7 members, including one chairperson.
  • ② The committee is composed of 3 internal members and 4 external members according to each subparagraph, and the chairperson is the executive director of the Corporation.
    • 1. Executive Director of the Corporation
    • 2. Head of Human Rights Management Department
    • 3. Persons recommended by the labor union
    • 4. Human rights management expert
    • 5. A person who can represent the rights of business partners
  • ③ There shall be one secretary to handle the affairs of the committee, and the secretary shall be the person in charge of the department in charge.
Article 17 (Convocation and Meeting)
  • ① The chairperson shall convene a regular meeting once a year, and an extraordinary meeting when he or she deems it necessary or at the request of 1/3 or more of the enrolled members.
  • ② Committee meetings are decided by the attendance of a majority of the enrolled members and the consent of a majority of the members present.
  • ③ In principle, committee meetings shall be convened, but resolutions may be made by letter if resolutions are minor or urgent.
  • ④The secretary shall prepare the committee meeting minutes and maintain records.
  • ⑤ Attendance allowance may be paid to outside members who attend committee meetings within the budget. However, internal members shall not be paid.
Article 18 (Listening to Opinions and Request for Data Submission)
  • ① The committee may, if necessary, include parties or related persons at the meeting to hear their opinions.
  • ② The committee may, if necessary, request the submission of data from stakeholders, such as related departments, to contribute to the meeting agenda.
Article 19 (Confidentiality)
  • Members and related persons attending meetings of the committee shall not divulge any secrets they have learned during the course of their duties.
Article 20 (Member's Term of Office)
  • A members' term of office is three years, but members may be reappointed. However, the term of office for an internal member shall be the term of office for the relevant position.
Article 21 (Dismissal of Members)
  • In any of the following circumstances, the Corporation may dismiss the member, even before the expiration of his/her term of office.
    • 1. A member fails to perform his/her duties faithfully
    • 2. A member discloses secrets learned on the job
    • 3. It is difficult for the member to perform their duties due to illness, etc.
    • 4. A member is involved in human rights violations
    • 5. A change occurs in the position of an outside member at the time of appointment
    • 6. It is judged inappropriate for the member to perform duties due to other damage to dignity, etc.
Chapter 5 Human Rights Impact Assessment
Article 22 (Human Rights Impact Assessment)
  • ① The Corporation shall conduct a human rights impact assessment at least once a year.
  • ② The Corporation may conduct a human rights impact assessment on matters that affect the human rights of executives, employees, and stakeholders, such as organization operations and major business.
  • ③ The human rights management department shall supervise the human rights impact assessment, and may request related data from each department for evaluation.
  • ④ The results of the human rights impact assessment shall be submitted to the chairperson after deliberation by the committee, and the committee can recommend necessary measures to the chairperson based on the assessment results.
  • ⑤ Detailed procedures and methods for the human rights impact assessment can be determined by establishing a separate plan depending on the case.
Chapter 6 Remedy for Human Rights Violations
Article 23 (Reporting of Human Rights Violations, and Reception of Reports)
  • ① A person who has been subjected to human rights violations or discriminatory acts (hereinafter referred to as “victim”), or a person or organization who is aware of the fact may report it to the head of the Human Rights Management department.
  • ② The head of the Human Rights Management department shall receive and handle cases reported as human rights violations or discriminatory acts (hereinafter referred to as “human rights violations”).
Article 24 (Treatment of Human Rights Violations)
  • ① The head of the department in charge of Human Rights Management shall immediately investigate the cases reported as violations of human rights, check for human rights violations, and if it is determined that there has been a violation of human rights, report it to the chairperson and the president with supporting materials attached, and immediately conduct an additional investigation or decide to submit it to the committee with the approval of the chairperson.
  • ② If it is necessary for the fair handling of human rights violations, the chairperson may have the case go through committee deliberations.
  • ③ However, if it is judged that the alleged human rights violations are not under the jurisdiction of the Corporation or are not related to human rights violations occurring among business partners, the matter may be transferred to a related institution (National Human Rights Commission, etc.).
Article 25 (Method of Investigation)
  • ① The committee may investigate the cases received by any of the methods specified in the following subparagraphs.
    • 1. Request to attend and listen to statements, or submit statements to the reporter, victim, respondent (hereinafter referred to as “the parties”), or related persons
    • 2. Request for the submission of data, etc. recognized as relevant to the investigation, from the parties, related persons, or related organizations
    • 3. On-site investigation or appraisal of a place, facility, or material that is recognized as being related to the investigation
    • 4. Inquiry of facts or information recognized to be related to the investigation matters to the parties, related persons, or related organizations
  • ② If deemed necessary for an investigation, the committee may visit a certain place or facility and conduct an on-site investigation or appraisal of the place, facility, or data. In this case, the committee may request the presence of the parties or related persons at the place or facility to hear the statement.
  • ③ Any person who is requested to submit a statement pursuant to paragraph ① 1 shall submit a statement within 14 days.
  • ④ The request for attendance of the respondent pursuant to paragraphs ① and ② shall be made only when there is a good reason to believe that there has been a human rights violation or discriminatory act, and it is difficult to judge the case based only on the statement of the party who committed the human rights violation or discriminatory act.
  • ⑤ A member conducting an investigation pursuant to paragraph ② or an employee in charge of human rights management may request the head or employee in charge of the place or facility to submit the necessary materials or data.
Article 26 (Guarantee of Reporter's Identity)
  • ① Committee members shall guarantee the confidentiality of the reporter and the contents of the report, and take the measures necessary to prevent the reporter from being disadvantaged by the report. However, this shall not apply if the contents of the report harm the other party without justifiable reason or evidence.
  • ② Executives and/or employees who recognize the identity of the reporter by chance or on the job shall not disclose the identity of the reporter.
  • ③ When the identity of the reporter is disclosed, the Corporation shall investigate the details and take necessary measures, such as disciplinary action against the person determined responsible for the disclosure of the identity of the reporter through the investigation.
  • ④ Notwithstanding paragraph ①, a reporter who has been disadvantaged may request the National Human Rights Commission to take protective measures and remedy the disadvantage; in this case, the chairperson and the head of the Human Rights Management department shall actively cooperate.
Article 27 (Consultation on Human Rights Violations)
  • ① When it is not clear whether the performance of duties is in violation of the guidelines, executives and/or employees may deal with the matter after consulting with the head of the Human Rights Management department.
  • ② The chairperson may take necessary measures, such as establishing communication channels and counseling rooms, so that consultations in accordance with Paragraph ① can be conducted effectively.
Article 28 (Correction and Measures)
  • The Corporation shall take corrective measures in the event of human rights violations and violations of the bylaws, and shall take necessary measures, such as personnel measures and training, to prevent recurrence among employees who intentionally or negligently commit human rights violations.
Addendum (Bylaw No. 132 Dec. 17, 2018)
Article 1 (Enforcement Date)
  • These bylaws shall come into effect from the date of their promulgation.