Human Rights Management Charter

  • Human Rights Management
  • Human Rights Management Charter
Significance of Human Rights Management Charter

As a public corporation that contributes to improving the water quality of the Nakdong River through facility operations and perfect sewage treatment to enhance the convenience and good use of leisure among citizens, we respect and practice international human rights norms, such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, thereby protecting the human rights of workers and all stakeholders who use the corporation's facilities.

To this end, we declare the following "Human Rights Management Charter of Gumi Infrastructure Corporation" and pledge to practice it as the principle for correct behavior and value judgment that executives and employees must observe to improve human dignity and value in all business activities.

  • 1. We respect and comply with international and national norms that support values ​​such as human rights, labor, environment, and anti-corruption.
  • 2. We do not discriminate against all stakeholders, including executives and employees, on the basis of race, religion, disability, gender, place of birth, political opinion, etc.
  • 3. We guarantee freedom of association and collective bargaining to protect and promote the human rights of our employees.
  • 4. We do not tolerate forced or child labor in any form.
  • 5. We guarantee the right to occupational safety and health by creating a safe and sanitary work environment.
  • 6. We respect and protect the human rights of residents in the areas in which we operate.
  • 7. We comply with environmental laws and regulations, and strive to protect the environment and prevent environmental disasters.
  • 8. We disclose management information transparently and guarantee customers' right to access information as much as possible.
  • 9. We strive to protect personal information and work-related information acquired in the course of management and business activities.
  • 10. We provide prompt and appropriate remedies for human rights violations that occur in the course of business activities, and actively strive for prevention.

We strive to protect the human rights of all stakeholders, including executives and employees, and pledge to do our best to establish and spread human rights management.